Getting Started Internationalising (i18n) with Intlayer and React Create App

    What is Intlayer?

    Intlayer is an innovative, open-source internationalisation (i18n) library designed to simplify multilingual support in modern web applications.

    With Intlayer, you can:

    • Easily manage translations using declarative dictionaries at the component level.
    • Dynamically localise metadata, routes, and content.
    • Ensure TypeScript support with autogenerated types, improving autocompletion and error detection.
    • Benefit from advanced features, like dynamic locale detection and switching.

    Step-by-Step Guide to Set Up Intlayer in a React Application

    Step 1: Install Dependencies

    Install the necessary packages using npm:

    npm install intlayer react-intlayer react-scripts-intlayer
    • intlayer

      The core package that provides internationalisation tools for configuration management, translation, content declaration, transpilation, and CLI commands.

    • react-intlayer

      The package that integrates Intlayer with React application. It provides context providers and hooks for React internationalisation.

    • react-scripts-intlayer

      Includes the react-scripts-intlayer commands and plugins for integrating Intlayer with the Create React App based application. These plugins are based on craco and include additional configuration for the Webpack bundler.

    Step 2: Configuration of your project

    Create a config file to configure the languages of your application:

    import { Locales, type IntlayerConfig } from "intlayer";const config: IntlayerConfig = {  internationalisation: {    locales: [      Locales.ENGLISH,      Locales.FRENCH,      Locales.SPANISH,      // Your other locales    ],    defaultLocale: Locales.ENGLISH,  },};export default config;

    Through this configuration file, you can set up localised URLs, middleware redirection, cookie names, the location and extension of your content declarations, disable Intlayer logs in the console, and more. For a complete list of available parameters, refer to the configuration documentation.

    Step 3: Integrate Intlayer in Your CRA Configuration

    Change your scripts to use react-intlayer

      "scripts": {    "build": "react-scripts-intlayer build",    "start": "react-scripts-intlayer start",    "transpile": "intlayer build"  },

    react-scripts-intlayer scripts are based on CRACO. You can also implement your own setup based on the intlayer craco plugin. See example here.

    Step 4: Declare Your Content

    Create and manage your content declarations to store translations:

    import { t, type Dictionary } from "intlayer";import React, { type ReactNode } from "react";const appContent = {  key: "app",  content: {    getStarted: t<ReactNode>({      en: (        <>          Edit <code>src/App.tsx</code> and save to reload        </>      ),      fr: (        <>          Éditez <code>src/App.tsx</code> et enregistrez pour recharger        </>      ),      es: (        <>          Edita <code>src/App.tsx</code> y guarda para recargar        </>      ),    }),    reactLink: {      href: "",      content: t({        en: "Learn React",        fr: "Apprendre React",        es: "Aprender React",      }),    },  },} satisfies Dictionary;export default appContent;

    Your content declarations can be defined anywhere in your application as soon they are included into the contentDir directory (by default, ./src). And match the content declaration file extension (by default, .content.{ts,tsx,js,jsx,mjs,cjs}). For more details, refer to the content declaration documentation. If your content file includes TSX code, you should consider importing import React from "react"; in your content file.

    Step 5: Utilise Intlayer in Your Code

    Access your content dictionaries throughout your application:

    import logo from "./logo.svg";import "./App.css";import type { FC } from "react";import { IntlayerProvider, useIntlayer } from "react-intlayer";const AppContent: FC = () => {  const content = useIntlayer("app");  return (    <div className="App">      <img src={logo} className="App-logo" alt="logo" />      {content.getStarted}      <a        className="App-link"        href={content.reactLink.href.value}        target="_blank"        rel="noopener noreferrer"      >        {content.reactLink.content}      </a>    </div>  );};const App: FC = () => (  <IntlayerProvider>    <AppContent />  </IntlayerProvider>);export default App;

    Note: If you want to use your content in a string attribute, such as alt, title, href, aria-label, etc., you must call the value of the function, like:

    <img src={content.image.src.value} alt={content.image.value} />

    To Learn more about the useIntlayer hook, refer to the documentation.

    (Optional) Step 6: Change the language of your content

    To change the language of your content, you can use the setLocale function provided by the useLocale hook. This function allows you to set the locale of the application and update the content accordingly.

    import { Locales } from "intlayer";import { useLocale } from "react-intlayer";const LocaleSwitcher = () => {  const { setLocale } = useLocale();  return (    <button onClick={() => setLocale(Locales.English)}>      Change Language to English    </button>  );};

    To Learn more about the useLocale hook, refer to the documentation.

    (Optional) Step 7: Add localised Routing to your application

    The purpose of this step is to make unique routes for each language. This is useful for SEO and SEO-friendly URLs. Example:


    By default, the routes are not prefixed for the default locale. If you want to prefix the default locale, you can set the middleware.prefixDefault option to true in your configuration. See the configuration documentation for more information.

    To add localised routing to your application, you can create a LocaleRouter component that wraps your application's routes and handles locale-based routing. Here is an example using React Router:

    // Importing necessary dependencies and functionsimport { Locales, getConfiguration, getPathWithoutLocale } from "intlayer"; // Utility functions and types from 'intlayer'import { FC, PropsWithChildren } from "react"; // React types for functional components and propsimport { IntlayerProvider } from "react-intlayer"; // Provider for internationalisation contextimport {  BrowserRouter,  Routes,  Route,  Navigate,  useLocation,} from "react-router-dom"; // Router components for managing navigation// Destructuring configuration from Intlayerconst { internationalisation, middleware } = getConfiguration();const { locales, defaultLocale } = internationalisation;/** * A component that handles localisation and wraps children with the appropriate locale context. * It manages URL-based locale detection and validation. */const AppLocalised: FC<PropsWithChildren<{ locale: Locales }>> = ({  children,  locale,}) => {  const { pathname, search } = useLocation(); // Get the current URL path  // Determine the current locale, falling back to the default if not provided  const currentLocale = locale ?? defaultLocale;  // Remove the locale prefix from the path to construct a base path  const pathWithoutLocale = getPathWithoutLocale(    pathname // Current URL path  );  /**   * If middleware.prefixDefault is true, the default locale should always be prefixed.   */  if (middleware.prefixDefault) {    // Validate the locale    if (!locale || !locales.includes(locale)) {      // Redirect to the default locale with the updated path      return (        <Navigate          to={`/${defaultLocale}/${pathWithoutLocale}${search}`}          replace // Replace the current history entry with the new one        />      );    }    // Wrap children with the IntlayerProvider and set the current locale    return (      <IntlayerProvider locale={currentLocale}>{children}</IntlayerProvider>    );  } else {    /**     * When middleware.prefixDefault is false, the default locale is not prefixed.     * Ensure that the current locale is valid and not the default locale.     */    if (      currentLocale.toString() !== defaultLocale.toString() &&      !locales        .filter(          (locale) => locale.toString() !== defaultLocale.toString() // Exclude the default locale        )        .includes(currentLocale) // Check if the current locale is in the list of valid locales    ) {      // Redirect to the path without locale prefix      return <Navigate to={`${pathWithoutLocale}${search}`} replace />;    }    // Wrap children with the IntlayerProvider and set the current locale    return (      <IntlayerProvider locale={currentLocale}>{children}</IntlayerProvider>    );  }};/** * A router component that sets up locale-specific routes. * It uses React Router to manage navigation and render localised components. */export const LocaleRouter: FC<PropsWithChildren> = ({ children }) => (  <BrowserRouter>    <Routes>      {locales        .filter(          (locale) => middleware.prefixDefault || locale !== defaultLocale        )        .map((locale) => (          <Route            // Route pattern to capture the locale (e.g., /en/, /fr/) and match all subsequent paths            path={`/${locale}/*`}            key={locale}            element={<AppLocalised locale={locale}>{children}</AppLocalised>} // Wraps children with locale management          />        ))}      {        // If prefixing the default locale is disabled, render the children directly at the root path        !middleware.prefixDefault && (          <Route            path="*"            element={              <AppLocalised locale={defaultLocale}>{children}</AppLocalised>            } // Wraps children with locale management          />        )      }    </Routes>  </BrowserRouter>);

    Then, you can use the LocaleRouter component in your application:

    import { LocaleRouter } from "./components/LocaleRouter";import { FC } from "react";// ... Your AppContent componentconst App: FC = () => (  <LocaleRouter>    <AppContent />  </LocaleRouter>);

    (Optional) Step 8: Change the URL when the locale changes

    To change the URL when the locale changes, you can use the onLocaleChange prop provided by the useLocale hook. In parallel, you can use the useLocation and useNavigate hooks from react-router-dom to update the URL path.

    import { useLocation, useNavigate } from "react-router-dom";import {  Locales,  getHTMLTextDir,  getLocaleName,  getLocalizedUrl,} from "intlayer";import { useLocale } from "react-intlayer";import { type FC } from "react";const LocaleSwitcher: FC = () => {  const { pathname, search } = useLocation(); // Get the current URL path. Example: /fr/about?foo=bar  const navigate = useNavigate();  const { availableLocales, setLocale } = useLocale({    onLocaleChange: (locale) => {      // Construct the URL with the updated locale      // Example: /es/about?foo=bar      const pathWithLocale = getLocalizedUrl(`${pathname}${search}`, locale);      // Update the URL path      navigate(pathWithLocale);    },  });  return (    <div>      <button popoverTarget="localePopover">{getLocaleName(locale)}</button>      <div id="localePopover" popover="auto">        { => (          <a            href={getLocalizedUrl(location.pathname, localeItem)}            hrefLang={localeItem}            aria-current={locale === localeItem ? "page" : undefined}            onClick={(e) => {              e.preventDefault();              setLocale(localeItem);            }}            key={localeItem}          >            <span>              {/* Locale - e.g. FR */}              {localeItem}            </span>            <span>              {/* Language in its own Locale - e.g. Français */}              {getLocaleName(localeItem, locale)}            </span>            <span dir={getHTMLTextDir(localeItem)} lang={localeItem}>              {/* Language in current Locale - e.g. Francés with current locale set to Locales.SPANISH */}              {getLocaleName(localeItem)}            </span>            <span dir="ltr" lang={Locales.ENGLISH}>              {/* Language in English - e.g. French */}              {getLocaleName(localeItem, Locales.ENGLISH)}            </span>          </a>        ))}      </div>    </div>  );};

    Documentation references:

    (Optional) Step 9: Switch the HTML Language and Direction Attributes

    When your application supports multiple languages, it's crucial to update the <html> tag's lang and dir attributes to match the current locale. Doing so ensures:

    • Accessibility: Screen readers and assistive technologies rely on the correct lang attribute to pronounce and interpret content accurately.
    • Text Rendering: The dir (direction) attribute ensures that text is rendered in the proper order (e.g., left-to-right for English, right-to-left for Arabic or Hebrew), which is essential for readability.
    • SEO: Search engines use the lang attribute to determine the language of your page, helping to serve the right localised content in search results.

    By updating these attributes dynamically when the locale changes, you guarantee a consistent and accessible experience for users across all supported languages.

    Implementing the Hook

    Create a custom hook to manage the HTML attributes. The hook listens for locale changes and updates the attributes accordingly:

    import { useEffect } from "react";import { useLocale } from "react-intlayer";import { getHTMLTextDir } from "intlayer";/** * Updates the HTML <html> element's `lang` and `dir` attributes based on the current locale. * - `lang`: Informs browsers and search engines of the page's language. * - `dir`: Ensures the correct reading order (e.g., 'ltr' for English, 'rtl' for Arabic). * * This dynamic update is essential for proper text rendering, accessibility, and SEO. */export const useI18nHTMLAttributes = () => {  const { locale } = useLocale();  useEffect(() => {    // Update the language attribute to the current locale.    document.documentElement.lang = locale;    // Set the text direction based on the current locale.    document.documentElement.dir = getHTMLTextDir(locale);  }, [locale]);};

    Using the Hook in Your Application

    Integrate the hook into your main component so that the HTML attributes update whenever the locale changes:

    import { FC } from "react";import { IntlayerProvider, useIntlayer } from "react-intlayer";import { useI18nHTMLAttributes } from "./hooks/useI18nHTMLAttributes";import "./App.css";const AppContent: FC = () => {  // Apply the hook to update the <html> tag's lang and dir attributes based on the locale.  useI18nHTMLAttributes();  // ... Rest of your component};const App: FC = () => (  <IntlayerProvider>    <AppContent />  </IntlayerProvider>);export default App;

    By applying these changes, your application will:

    • Ensure the language (lang) attribute correctly reflects the current locale, which is important for SEO and browser behaviour.
    • Adjust the text direction (dir) according to the locale, enhancing readability and usability for languages with different reading orders.
    • Provide a more accessible experience, as assistive technologies depend on these attributes to function optimally.

    Configure TypeScript

    Intlayer uses module augmentation to get benefits of TypeScript and make your codebase stronger.

    alt text

    alt text

    Ensure your TypeScript configuration includes the autogenerated types.

    {  // ... Your existing TypeScript configurations  "include": [    // ... Your existing TypeScript configurations    ".intlayer/**/*.ts", // Include the auto-generated types  ],}

    Git Configuration

    It is recommended to ignore the files generated by Intlayer. This allows you to avoid committing them to your Git repository.

    To do this, you can add the following instructions to your .gitignore file:

    # Ignore the files generated by Intlayer.intlayer

    Go Further

    To go further, you can implement the visual editor or externalise your content using the CMS.

    If you have an idea for improving this documentation, please feel free to contribute by submitting a pull request on GitHub.

    GitHub link to the documentation