React Integration: useIntlayerAsync Hook Documentation

    The useIntlayerAsync hook extends the functionality of useIntlayer by not only returning pre-rendered dictionaries but also fetching updates asynchronously, making it ideal for applications that frequently update their localised content after the initial render.


    • Asynchronous Dictionary Loading:
      On initial mount, useIntlayerAsync first returns any pre-fetched or statically bundled locale dictionary (just like useIntlayer would) and then asynchronously fetches and merges any newly available remote dictionaries.
    • Progress State Management:
      The hook also provides an isLoading state, indicating when a remote dictionary is being fetched. This allows developers to display loading indicators or skeleton states for a smoother user experience.

    Environment Setup

    Intlayer provides a headless Content Source Management (CSM) system that empowers non-developers to manage and update application content seamlessly. By using Intlayer’s intuitive dashboard, your team can edit localised text, images, and other resources without directly modifying code. This streamlines the content management process, fosters collaboration, and ensures that updates can be made quickly and easily.

    To get started with Intlayer:

    1. Register and obtain an access token at
    2. Add credentials to your configuration file:
      In your React project, configure the Intlayer client with your credentials:

      import type { IntlayerConfig } from "intlayer";export default {  // ...  editor: {    clientId: process.env.INTLAYER_CLIENT_ID,    clientSecret: process.env.INTLAYER_CLIENT_SECRET,  },} satisfies IntlayerConfig;
    3. Push a new locale dictionary to Intlayer:

      npx intlayer dictionary push -d my-first-dictionary-key

      This command uploads your initial content dictionaries, making them available for asynchronous fetching and editing through the Intlayer platform.

    Importing useIntlayerAsync in React

    In your React components, import useIntlayerAsync:

    import { useIntlayerAsync } from "react-intlayer";


    1. key:
      Type: DictionaryKeys
      The dictionary key used to identify the localised content block. This key should be defined in your content declaration files.

    2. locale (optional):
      Type: Locales
      The specific locale you want to target. If omitted, the hook uses the locale from the current Intlayer context.

    3. isRenderEditor (optional, defaults to true):
      Type: boolean
      Determines whether the content should be ready for rendering with the Intlayer editor overlay. If set to false, the returned dictionary data will exclude editor-specific features.

    Return Value

    The hook returns a dictionary object containing localised content keyed by key and locale. It also includes an isLoading boolean indicating whether a remote dictionary is currently being fetched.

    Example Usage in a React Component

    import { useEffect, type FC } from "react";import { useIntlayerAsync } from "react-intlayer";export const ComponentExample: FC = () => {  const { title, description, isLoading } = useIntlayerAsync("async-component");  useEffect(() => {    if (isLoading) {      console.log("Content is loading...");    }  }, [isLoading]);  return (    <div>      {isLoading ? (        <div>          <h1>Loading…</h1>          <p>Please wait while content updates.</p>        </div>      ) : (        <div>          <h1>{title.value}</h1>          <p>{description.value}</p>        </div>      )}    </div>  );};

    Key Points:

    • On initial render, title and description come from the pre-fetched or statically embedded locale dictionary.
    • While isLoading is true, a background request fetches an updated dictionary.
    • Once the fetch completes, title and description are updated with the newest content, and isLoading returns to false.

    Handling Attribute Localisation

    You can also retrieve localised attribute values for various HTML properties (e.g., alt, title, aria-label):

    <img src={title.image.src.value} alt={title.image.alt.value} />

    Dictionary Files

    All content keys must be defined in your content declaration files for type safety and to prevent runtime errors. These files enable TypeScript validation, ensuring you always reference existing keys and locales.

    Instructions for setting up content declaration files are available here.

    Further Information

    • Intlayer Visual Editor:
      Integrate with the Intlayer visual editor for managing and editing content directly from the UI. More details here.

    In summary, useIntlayerAsync is a powerful React hook designed to enhance the user experience and maintain content freshness by merging pre-rendered or pre-fetched dictionaries with asynchronous dictionary updates. By leveraging isLoading and TypeScript-based content declarations, you can seamlessly integrate dynamic, localised content into your React applications.

    If you have an idea for improving this documentation, please feel free to contribute by submitting a pull request on GitHub.

    GitHub link to the documentation