How Intlayer Works


    The role of Intlayer is to interpret JavaScript content declaration files into dictionaries.

    For this, Intlayer goes through several steps:

    1. Declaration of content files

      • Content files can be defined in various formats, such as TypeScript, ECMAScript, CommonJS, or JSON.
      • Content files can be defined everywhere in the project, which allows for better maintenance and scalability. It is important to respect the file extension conventions for content files. This extension is by default *.content.{js|cjs|mjs|ts|tsx|json}, but it can be modified in the configuration file.
    2. Generation of dictionaries

      • Dictionaries are generated from content files. By default, intlayer dictionaries are generated in the .intlayer/dictionary directory of the project.
      • Two types of dictionaries can be generated: intlayer dictionaries and i18n dictionaries (beta).
    3. Generation of dictionary types

      • Dictionary types are generated from intlayer dictionaries. By default, intlayer dictionary types are generated in the types directory of the project.
    4. Generation of Intlayer module augmentation

      • Intlayer module augmentation is a TypeScript feature that allows you to define additional types for Intlayer. This makes development experience easier by suggesting available arguments or required arguments. Among the types generated, intlayer dictionary types or even language configuration types are added to the types/intlayer.d.ts file, and used by other packages. To do this, it is necessary that the tsconfig.json file is configured to include the types directory of the project.
    5. Content file monitoring

      • Content files are monitored to be regenerated each time they are modified.
    6. Dictionary interpretation

      • Dictionaries are finally interpreted to be used in applications.


    Intlayer is composed of several packages, each with a specific role in the translation process. Here is a graphical representation of the structure of this package:

    packages of intlayer


    The intlayer package is used in applications to declare content in content files.


    The react-intlayer package is used to interpret intlayer dictionaries and make them usable in React applications.


    The next-intlayer package is used as a layer on top of react-intlayer to make intlayer dictionaries usable in Next.js applications. It integrates essential features to make Intlayer work in a Next.js environment, such as translation middleware, routing, or the next.config.js file configuration.


    Includes the Vite plugin for integrating Intlayer with the Vite bundler, as well as middleware for detecting the user's preferred locale, managing cookies, and handling URL redirection.


    Includes the react-scripts-intlayer commands and plugins for integrating Intlayer with the Create React App based application. These plugins are based on craco and includes additional configuration for the Webpack bundler.


    The intlayer-editor package is used to allow the use of the visual editor. This package, optional can be installed in applications and will be used by the react-intlayer package. It consists of two parts: the server and the client.

    The client contains UI elements that will be used by react-intlayer.

    The server, based on Express, is used to receive the editor visual requests and manage or modify content files.


    The intlayer-cli package can be used to generate dictionaries using the npx intlayer build command. If intlayer is already installed, the cli is automatically installed and this package is not necessary.


    The @intlayer/core package is the master Intlayer package. It contains translation and dictionary management functions. @intlayer/core is multiplatform and is used by other packages to perform interpretation of dictionaries.


    The @intlayer/config package is used to configure Intlayer settings, such as available languages, Next.js middleware parameters or the integrated editor settings.


    The @intlayer/webpack package is used to provide a Webpack configuration to make working a Webpack based application with Intlayer. The package also provides a plugin to add into an existing Webpack application.


    The @intlayer/cli package is a NPM package that is used to declare the script related to the intlayer commands line interfaces. It ensure the uniformity of all intlayer CLI commands. This package is notably consumed by the intlayer-cli, and the intlayer packages.


    The @intlayer/dictionaries-entry package is a package that only returns the entry path of the intlayer dictionaries. Since the filesystem search is impossible from the browser, using bundlers like Webpack or Rollup to retrieve the entry path of the dictionaries is not possible. This package aims to be aliased.


    The @intlayer/chokidar package is used to monitor content files and regenerate the modified dictionary at each modification.


    The @intlayer/editor package provides the utilities related to the dictionary editor. It notably includes the API to interface a application with the Intlayer editor, and utilities to manipulate dictionaries. This package is cross-platform.


    The @intlayer/editor-react package provides states, contexts, hooks and components to interface a React application with the Intlayer editor.

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