react-scripts-intlayer: NPM Package to use Intlayer in a React Create App application

Intlayer is a suite of packages designed specifically for JavaScript developers. It is compatible with frameworks like React, React, and Express.js.

The react-scripts-intlayer package Includes the react-scripts-intlayer commands and plugins for integrating Intlayer with the Create React App based application. These plugins are based on craco and includes additional configuration for the Webpack bundler.


The react-scripts-intlayer package works seamlessly with the react-intlayer package, and the intlayer package. Have a look at the relevant documentation for more information.


Install the necessary package using your preferred package manager:

npm install react-scripts-intlayer


CLI Commands

The react-scripts-intlayer package provides the following CLI commands:

  • npx react-scripts-intlayer build: Builds React application with the Intlayer configuration.
  • npx react-scripts-intlayer start: Starts the development server with the Intlayer configuration.

Replace package.json scripts

To use the react-scripts-intlayer package, you need to replace the package.json scripts with the following commands:

{  "scripts": {    "start": "react-scripts-intlayer start",    "build": "react-scripts-intlayer build"  }}

Use custom Webpack configuration

react-scripts-intlayer is based on craco, which allows you to customize the Webpack configuration. If you need to customize the Webpack configuration, you can also implement your own setup based on the intlayer craco plugin. See example here.

Read the full Intlayer guide for React Create App

Intlayer provides a lot of features to help you internationalize your React application. See how to use intlayer with React Create App.

If you have an idea for improving this documentation, please feel free to contribute by submitting a pull request on GitHub.

GitHub link to the documentation