React Integration: useDictionary Hook Documentation
This section provides detailed guidance on using the useDictionary hook within React applications, enabling efficient handling of localised content without a visual editor.
Importing useDictionary in React
The useDictionary hook can be integrated into React applications by importing it based on the context:
Client Component:
typescriptimport { useDictionary } from "react-intlayer"; // Used in client-side React components
Server Component:
typescriptimport { useDictionary } from "react-intlayer/server"; // Used in server-side React components
The hook accepts two parameters:
- dictionary: A declared dictionary object containing localised content for specific keys.
- locale (optional): The desired locale. Defaults to the current context's locale if not specified.
All dictionary objects should be declared in structured content files to ensure type safety and prevent runtime errors. You can find the setup instructions here. Here's an example of content declaration:
import { t, type Dictionary } from "intlayer";const componentContent = { key: "component-example", content: { title: t({ en: "Client Component Example", fr: "Exemple de composant client", es: "Ejemplo de componente cliente", }), content: t({ en: "This is the content of a client component example", fr: "Ceci est le contenu d'un exemple de composant client", es: "Este es el contenido de un ejemplo de componente cliente", }), },} satisfies Dictionary;export default componentContent;
Example Usage in React
Below is an example of how to use the useDictionary hook in a React component:
import type { FC } from "react";import { useDictionary } from "react-intlayer";import componentContent from "./component.content";const ComponentExample: FC = () => { const { title, content } = useDictionary(componentContent); return ( <div> <h1>{title}</h1> <p>{content}</p> </div> );};
Server Integration
If you're using the useDictionary hook outside the IntlayerProvider, the locale must be explicitly provided as a parameter when rendering the component:
import type { FC } from "react";import { useDictionary } from "react-intlayer/server";import clientComponentExampleContent from "./component.content";const ServerComponentExample: FC<{ locale: string }> = ({ locale }) => { const { content } = useDictionary(clientComponentExampleContent, locale); return ( <div> <h1>{content.title}</h1> <p>{content.content}</p> </div> );};
Notes on Attributes
Unlike integrations using visual editors, attributes like buttonTitle.value do not apply here. Instead, directly access the localised strings as declared in your content.
<button title={content.title}>{content.content}</button>
Additional Tips
- Type Safety: Always use Dictionary to define your dictionaries to ensure type safety.
- Localisation Updates: When updating content, ensure all locales are consistent to avoid missing translations.
This documentation focuses on the integration of the useDictionary hook, providing a streamlined approach to managing localised content without relying on visual editor functionalities.
If you have an idea for improving this documentation, please feel free to contribute by submitting a pull request on GitHub.
GitHub link to the documentation