Documentation: getLocaleLang Function in intlayer


    The getLocaleLang function extracts the language code from a locale string. It supports locales with or without country codes. If no locale is provided, it defaults to returning an empty string.


    • locale?: Locales

      • Description: The locale string (e.g., Locales.ENGLISH_UNITED_STATES, Locales.FRENCH_CANADA) from which the language code is extracted.
      • Type: Locales (optional)


    • Type: string
    • Description: The language code extracted from the locale. If the locale is not provided, it returns an empty string ('').

    Example Usage:

    Extracting Language Codes:

    import { getLocaleLang, Locales } from "intlayer";getLocaleLang(Locales.ENGLISH_UNITED_STATES); // Output: "en"getLocaleLang(Locales.ENGLISH); // Output: "en"getLocaleLang(Locales.FRENCH_CANADA); // Output: "fr"getLocaleLang(Locales.FRENCH); // Output: "fr"

    Edge Cases:

    • No Locale Provided:

      • The function returns an empty string when locale is /ruundefined.
    • Malformed Locale Strings:

      • If the locale does not follow the language-country format (e.g., Locales.ENGLISH-US), the function safely returns the part before '-' or the entire string if no '-' is present.

    If you have an idea for improving this documentation, please feel free to contribute by submitting a pull request on GitHub.

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