Documentation: getPathWithoutLocale Functions in intlayer


    Removes the locale segment from the given URL or pathname if present. It works with both absolute URLs and relative pathnames.


    • inputUrl: string

      • Description: The complete URL string or pathname to process.
      • Type: string
    • locales: Locales[]

      • Description: Optional array of supported locales. Defaults to the configured locales in the project.
      • Type: Locales[]


    • Type: string
    • Description: The URL string or pathname without the locale segment.

    Example Usage:

    import { getPathWithoutLocale } from "intlayer";console.log(getPathWithoutLocale("/dashboard")); // Output: "/dashboard"console.log(getPathWithoutLocale("/en/dashboard")); // Output: "/dashboard"console.log(getPathWithoutLocale("/fr/dashboard")); // Output: "/dashboard"console.log(getPathWithoutLocale("")); // Output: ""

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